Here’s What You’ll Receive

#1) UNPRECEDENTED LIVE Interactive Training with David Wilcock for 7-Sessions
Every week YOU will be joining David on an exclusive Live webinar training designed to guide you through the Ascension process and accelerate your spiritual path. You’ll learn how to prepare for the upcoming planetary changes, connect with your Higher Guides, and how to fulfill your Soul’s purpose as you prepare for ascension. By the end of the seven sessions, you will have a clear path marked with specific meditation techniques, journaling exercises, and deep insights to light your way.
Training with David Wilcock for 7-Sessions
Every week YOU will be joining David on an exclusive Live webinar training designed to guide you through the Ascension process and accelerate your spiritual path. You’ll learn how to prepare for the upcoming planetary changes, connect with your Higher Guides, and how to fulfill your Soul’s purpose as you prepare for ascension. By the end of the seven sessions, you will have a clear path marked with specific meditation techniques, journaling exercises, and deep insights to light your way.
#2) LIVE Online Q&A Sessions w/ David Wilcock
*This is YOUR opportunity to get your specific questions answered from David in real-time for the first time EVER!!
You’ll be invited to join David for a special Question & Answer webinar twice during the training. You’ll be able to ask questions in the live chat of the webinars and David will be able to answer your specific questions!

#3) Complete Audio & Video Training Package
Every Live training will be recorded and available in video and audio formats so you’ll be able to download and own all the content. So if you want to watch the trainings over and over or you miss one of the live trainings, you’ll be able to watch at your leisure.
#4) The Ascension Dream Journal and Meditations
As part of the live trainings, you will get to experience the same process David uses to gain insights and sacred knowledge into the secrets of ascension. By using a combination of dream journaling and meditation techniques, you will get to practice these life changing exercises on your own time. These will be instrumental in your progress and something you’ll be able to continue even after the course. Every meditation and exercise is designed to help you accelerate your soul’s journey while preparing you for the upcoming planetary changes.

Special Enrollment Bonuses
– Now Available for a Limited Time –

Bonus #1: ALL NEW – Ascension Meditation Series
- Staying Centered in Times of Change
- Opening Your Heart to Love and Compassion
- Finding Peace with Where You are in the Present
- Divine Cosmos Breathwork
- Journey to Your Higher Self for Guidance
- Sending Light into the World for Collective Healing
- Entering the Space of Stillness
BONUS #2: ALL NEW – Communication with your Power Animal with Elizbeth Wilcock
A guided meditation spirit journey to meet your power animal. Power animals are deeply calming and soothing to the soul while bringing the gift of their specific medicine to us.
- Learn how to journey into the spirit world through guided deep meditation
- Connect to the power of your spirit animal
- Connect to soothing friendship from the animal kingdom

Special Guest Faculty Bonus Sessions
Over the course of the Ascension Mystery School: The Great Awakening 20/20, we will also bring on various guest experts:
Special Guest #1:
Sperry Andrews
From an N.D.E. at four, and as an experiential scientist since 1983, Sperry has been demonstrating humanity’s capacity to share a commonly-sensed consciousness. As an adjunct research associate of the Mind Science Foundation, he collaborated with Dr. William Braud to pioneer laboratory research which helped to establish the field of Distant Mental Influence on Living Systems (DMILS). Publishing in peer-reviewed journals and presenting on human interconnectedness at public and professional organizations–including the United Nations–he orchestrates a multinational, scientifically based, media project to produce and direct documentaries and feature films to further the evolution of a socially altruistic heart-centered intelligence. To gain access to these deeper levels of compassionate insight and two-way telepathic awareness, he has been facilitating hundreds of groups internationally–for over thirty years. He has learned to teach anyone interested how to effectively recreate these experiences in-person, or online, via webcam.
Special Guest #2:
Dannion Brinkley
After nearly escaping death on multiple occasions, Dannion Brinkley wrote several books on what it’s like to begin the journey to the next realm. His NDEs have led him to develop a compassionate attitude toward the dying, and he’s transformed this compassion into his 30+ years of service as a hospice volunteer. In this enlightening interview, originally webcast on April 3, 2014, Brinkley shares the 10 things people should know before they pass over.
An internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of spirituality, self-development and complementary and alternative medicine, Dannion Brinkley is the author of three international best-selling books: Saved by the Light, At Peace in the Light and Secrets of the Light. In addition, he has experienced three of the most complete Near Death Experiences (NDEs) ever recorded.
Special Guest #3:
Dr. Scott Mandelker
Dr. Scott Mandelker has an MA in Counseling, Ph.D. in East-West Psychology, and over 20 years in Buddhist study and meditation. His teaching blends the metaphysics of UFOs and ETs with the principles of spiritual growth, joining the ageless wisdom of East and West.
He has spoken throughout the US, Japan, and Israel at UFO and New Age conferences, and has appeared on over 75 radio and TV shows — including The Art Bell Show, Strange Universe, Hard Copy, and Sci-Fi Network. His first book, From Elsewhere: Being ET in America, has sold thousands of copies, and was translated in three languages.
Based in San Francisco, Scott offers study groups and personal sessions by phone and in person. He is available for all interviews.
Special Guest #4:
Corey Goode
A member of the Blue Avian soul group who incarnated to Earth to help with planetary ascension, Corey was recruited into the Secret Space Program at the age of six because of his intuitive empath abilities. The Blue Avians refer to Corey as “Ra-Hanush-Eir” – a derivative of a Hebrew word which is synonymous with “Enoch” and roughly translates to “Messenger.” Quite literally, Corey is the Enoch of our modern times – sent to our planet to reignite the Christ Consciousness message of love, forgiveness, and service to others in preparation for the most extraordinary time in our recorded history.
1) The Great Awakeing LIVE Online Training Program with David Wilcock - 5 Sessions containing over 12+ Hours of his Newest Teachings, Slides and Practices [Value $497]
2) Special LIVE Online Q&A Marathon Webinars - 2 Sessions over 4+ Hours of Interaction with David Wilcock [Value $197]
3) Complete Downloadable Audio & Video Training Package PLUS Access to a Private Member Area for Easy Viewing [Value $97]
Plus, Special Enrollment Bonuses:
6) Bonus #1: ALL NEW Ascension Meditation Series
7) Bonus #2: ALL NEW Communication with your Power Animal with Elizabeth Wilcock
7) Bonus #3: ALL NEW SpecIal Guest Faculty Talks and Teachings
Enrollment ends at 11:59 pm on Sunday, April 12th
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There is a strict 5-Day REFUND policy at this point because when you join you will have immediate access to the first class and two bonuses. You will also get access to weekly LIVE teaching calls, 2 LIVE Q&A sessions with David, and special modules taught by Elizabeth Wilcock…this is the place to find your community.
Here’s What You’ll Learn in the
Ascension Mystery School 20/20:
The Great Awakening Curriculum

Lucid Dreaming: Out of Body Traveling; Dream Interpretation
Modern science is revealing great truths about the nature of the Universe that media goes to great lengths to hide from the general public. Join David as he exposes a new model for an Living Universe that defies conventional wisdom.
- Take a deep-dive into sacred geometry and how the Universe was created for your spiritual growth and ascension
- Discover NEW research and science that reveals how to communicate with your higher self in a practical and effective way
- Learn how the Shroud of Turin, infamous 2012 crop circle, DNA emanation, and freeze-dried space bacteria interweave to create a model for living in the modern age

The Pyramid Timeline; Spiritual Hero’s Journey; Galactic Evolution
Changes are occurring in our galaxy at an accelerated rate; changes we can either embrace or ignore. The problem with ignoring these changes is that every shift in our galaxy has profound effects on our DNA, consciousness and trajectory.
- Discover how changes in space – including our Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune – are predicting our future.
- Learn exactly why the Universe is changing for the expansion of consciousness and spiritual ascension
- Find out how the sun is going through a phase change and what’s driving the shift

Contact with Your Soul, Ascension Prophecies, The Law of One
Throughout time, extraterrestrials and human civilizations have left a trail of metaphorical breadcrumbs in the form of story and prophecy. Take a journey into the untold history of ancient civilizations and discover what our future holds in the process.
- Learn how the ancient Hindu prophecy of the Samvartaka Fire illuminates the present day with astonishing detail
- Discover how the 8 superhuman capabilities of ancient prophecy are beginning to manifest in modern times and what this means for your ascension
- Find out how the Temple of Jupiter fits into ancient Greek, Roman, Sibylline, Mythriac, Tibetan, Islamic, Biblical and European timelines

Contact with the Watchers, Elders, and Great Spiritual Avatars
Join David for an in-depth analysis of the Law of One Series, arguably the highest-level spiritual teachings on the planet. In communication with channeled guardian spirits of the galaxy, this module will leave you breathless and empowered.
- Learn how to accelerate through the 7 densities of spiritual awareness so you can become the highest version of yourself
- Get practical and step-by-step directions for spiritual progress toward Love, tolerance, compassion, forgiveness, and empathy
- Discover the Law of each density and how you can become a beacon for your soul in this lifetime

Contact with Your Soul’s Purpose/Destiny, Cleaning Your Karma, Light Body Activation
Expand your understanding of the Law of One and infuse your daily activities with spiritual awareness as you prepare for ascension. This module ties it all together into a practical plan of action for those who are ready for a quantum leap in consciousness.
- Accelerate your spiritual track by aligning with your own personal Hero’s Journey and your life’s purpose
- Discover your true self through the lens of your dream landscape and learn Mystery School dream interpretation
- Learn practical steps you can take today to prepare for light-body activation and consciousness calibration

Sacred Boundaries and Protection Techniques with Elizabeth Wilcock
Boundaries are a necessary part of loving ourselves and others. Boundaries are sacred and vitally important if we are to guard our energy and our light.
- Learn techniques of identifying boundaries and communicating them both verbally and spiritually.
- Identify how you hear your body’s boundary voice
- Boundary communication with self-responsibility and courage

Spiritual Protection Techniques with Elizabeth Wilcock
Ascension requires a courageous spirit dedicated to the sacred. Anchored in the sacred, spiritual tools of protection are an essential part of the Ascension tool kit.
- How to clear your body of negative energy
- How to surround your spirit body with a grid of protective light
- How to banish negative spiritual energies
1) The Great Awakeing LIVE Online Training Program with David Wilcock - 5 Sessions containing over 12+ Hours of his Newest Teachings, Slides and Practices [Value $497]
2) Special LIVE Online Q&A Marathon Webinars - 2 Sessions over 4+ Hours of Interaction with David Wilcock [Value $197]
3) Complete Downloadable Audio & Video Training Package PLUS Access to a Private Member Area for Easy Viewing [Value $97]
Plus, Special Enrollment Bonuses:
6) Bonus #1: ALL NEW Ascension Meditation Series
7) Bonus #2: ALL NEW Communication with your Power Animal with Elizabeth Wilcock
7) Bonus #3: ALL NEW SpecIal Guest Faculty Talks and Teachings
Enrollment ends at 11:59pm on Sunday, April 12th
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There is a strict 5-Day REFUND policy at this point because when you join you will have immediate access to the first class and two bonuses. You will also get access to weekly LIVE teaching calls, 2 LIVE Q&A sessions with David, and special modules taught by Elizabeth Wilcock…this is the place to find your community.
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